Autumn with Rodney

The grass at Hedgemead Park is now covered with a carpet of fallen leaves and most of our produce from this growing (and turbulent) year has been harvested. We still have spicy leaves and winder hardy spring onions available though.

Over a month on from hearing that the Council had changed its mind about the removal of Vegmead we find that the site goes from strength to strength. We have a growing membership and have been asked to give talks and attend networking events. The Save Vegmead campaign raised our profile enormously and we’ve made lots of new friends and connections.

Over the winter we’ll be using our growing plan for next year, developed by the wonderful Emma Bond of Bath Garden Design, to remodel the site and prepare for a bountiful 2017. We’re also on the lookout for funding to enable us to realise our aim of engaging a wider section of the community and supporting them to develop knowledge and skills.

And so…. as the days shorten and weather cools we hope that you’ll be able to join us for a spot of digging, raking, eating and cloud spotting. Rodney, our resident rhubarb, is keen to welcome you to Vegmead, and so are we!

Keep an eye on our facebook page for the dates of our gardening sessions and other activities and events.img_2572




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